Eyeliner packaging

Eyeliner is one of the most popular makeup products on the market. It’s easy to see why: with just a few strokes, you can transform your eyes from ordinary to ultra-cool. But what happens when you need to take your eyeliner with you? Do you have to carry an entire box of pens with you? Not if you use GoCustomPackaging’s eyeliner packaging! With this innovative and stylish packaging, you can store your eyeliners in a sleek and portable container, just like your other makeup essentials. So next time you’re in the market for new eyeliner packaging, check out GoCustomPackaging...

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What is Eyeliner?

Eyeliner is a cosmetic product that has been around for centuries. It is typically used to make the eyes appear brighter and more open. The modern eyeliner package can be customized to match the brand's identity and marketing strategy.

There are three main types of eyeliner: liquid, pencil, and mousse. Liquid eyeliners are the most popular because they are easy to apply and last longer than pencil or mousse products. They come in a variety of colors and formulas that can be tailored to suit different skin tones. Pencil eyeliners come in thin or thick formulas and can be easily sharpened so they last longer than liquid products. Mousse eyeliners are typically lightweight and easy to apply but may not last as long as other types of eyeliners. They also require more attention when applying because they tend to smudge easily.

Each type of eyeliner has its own benefits and drawbacks. Liquid products are the easiest to apply, but they may run if applied too heavily or if the product dries out quickly. Pencil products offer precision control, but they may not be waterproof so they must be applied with a brush instead of a dip pen. Mousse products are easier to apply than liquid or pencil products, but they may become clumpy if applied incorrectly or if the product dries out quickly

Types of Eyeliner

There are several types of eyeliner packaging that can be used for different reasons. For example, bullet packaging is often used for liquid eyeliners because it is easy to grab and distribute the product. The pots and tubes are more common for pencil eyeliners, as they are easier to store and transport. Finally, the jars and pots are perfect for brush-on applicators because they hold a lot of product.

When choosing an eyeliner packaging type, it is important to consider the purpose of the product. If the eyeliner is meant to be applied with a brush, then a jar or pot may be a better choice. If the liner is meant to be applied with a needle or scratch tip applicator, then a bullet or pot-style package will work better. Additionally, some companies offer multiple packaging for different types of products in order to accommodate different customers' needs.

How Eyeliner is Made

Eyeliner is usually made of water, oil, and pigment. The pigment is typically a powder or a liquid that is mixed with other ingredients to create the desired color. The eyeliner comes in various types, such as liquid eyeliner, gel eyeliner, pencil eyeliner, and shadow liner. Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages. Liquid eyeliners are the most versatile type because they can be used on both eyes simultaneously. They are also the easiest to apply because they come in a wide variety of colors and finishes. Gel eyeliners come in a variety of textures, including creamy, stiffer formulas, which make them ideal for precision application. Pencil eyeliners are the least versatile type because they cannot be used on all eye shapes and sizes. They are also difficult to remove once applied because they do not dissolve easily into skin oils. Shadow liner is best for creating a dramatic look because it comes in black and brown shades that can be blended easily to create any desired effect.

The Different Styles of Eyeliners

Eyeliners come in many different styles, and each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Traditional eyeliner pencils are the most common type, but they can be difficult to apply evenly and may require sharpening. Liquid liner is a popular alternative because it's easier to apply, but it can run if you're not careful. Pencil eyeliners are the easiest to use, but they can be harder to control when you're drawing on the lid. Black liquid liners are the most permanent option and can be used for dramatic eyes or as a base for other colors.

There are also brush-on liner pens, which work best for areas that don't require precision, such as the outer corner of your eye. They're also good for people who wear glasses because they allow you to easily avoid bristles that might get caught in your lenses. Pencil eyeliners are still the best option if you want an even application since they don't require sharpening.

Eyeliner Packaging by GoCustomPackaging

Eyeliner packaging is becoming more and more popular, as it allows for an easy way to apply eyeliner to the eyes. The most common type of packaging for eyeliners is a stick or pen applicator. There are a few different types of packaging that are used for eyeliner, and each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Stick/pen applicators: These applicators are the most common type of packaging for eyeliners, and they're also the simplest. They consist of a stick or pen-like part that you use to apply the liner to your eyes. They're easy to hold and use, and they're portable so you can take them with you wherever you go. One downside is that it can be difficult to get out of the tube if it's not properly sealed, which can lead to mistakes made while applying the liner.

Tube/pump applicators: Tube/pump applicators are similar to stick/pen applicators in terms of how they're used, but they have a separately attached pump device. This pump device helps you apply pressure while applying the liner, which makes it easier to achieve a precise line. Another advantage of tube/pump applicators is that they're usually easier to get out of the tube if it's properly sealed. However, they can be harder to control when applying the liner because you have less control over where the tip goes on your eye.


Eyeliner packaging is one of the most important aspects of any makeup product. It needs to be easy to use, travel-friendly, and safe for both you and the environment. At GoCustomPackaging, we know that eyeshadow should be a hassle-free experience, which is why we always strive to create packaging that meets your needs. We offer custom eyeliner packaging that includes everything from tamper-evident seals to recyclable materials.

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